Buy Сыворотка Lanbena для Лечения грибковых ногтей удаляет онихомикоз, уход за руками и ногами wholesale and retail in store

- Stock: 96
- Brand: Lanbena
- SKU: 952732709
Product name: LANBENA Nail Repair Essence
Specifications: 12 ml
Consequences: the Serum can effectively penetrate the nails to eliminate all kinds of nail problems, soften the texture of the nails and restore their health.
Composition: Water, salicylic acid, alcohol, castor oil,acetic acid, propolis, jewelweed extract ,Stemona Japanese quince,Angelica Daurskoi, Pseudolarix, wormwood extract, garden stem balm
Shelf life: 3 years
1. On thickened and rough nails, clean them before using.
2. Immediately discontinue use if Allergy occurs, symptoms will disappear later.
4. Please put this product out of reach of children. Use with caution for children and pregnant women.
5. a Small number of people confirmed allergies may suffer minor pain during use, which is a normal antibacterial process and thus the medication can still be used.
6. Shake well before use.
1. Soak and soften your nails with warm water.
2. Use a nail file to remove loose, hollow and thickened parts, and wipe away dirt and debris (do not apply excessive force to avoid damaging the nail bed).
3. Apply 3-5 drops to the nail, wait until it is absorbed. We recommend using it twice a day during the day and at night.
4. For problem nails, and with a longer time of damage, it is better to use together with LANBENA gel for nail care .