Buy Gel against fleas, Kollo gel, kollo gel, 5 ml, for the elimination of calluses, keratinization of the skin, vulgar warts, human papillomas wholesale and retail in store

- Stock: Out of stock
- Brand: Синдикат красоты
- SKU: 63988-P-50
Means for the elimination of calluses, keratinization of the skin, vulgar warts, human papillomas and acute-terminal warts of no more than two mm in size, hyperkeratosis, including Palmar-plantar. Keratolytic agent. Salicylic acid has a keratolytic effect, has a weak antimicrobial activity. Lactic acid contributes to the chemical destruction of warts. The pharmacokinetics of the drug has not been studied.
Method of administration and dosage:
Apply one drop of Collo Gel solution 1-2 times a day to the affected areas of the skin.
With vulgar warts, hyperkeratosis of the feet (onoeoleness), core calluses, it is necessary to steam the affected area of the skin in a warm bath before each application, Wipe dry. Apply Collo Gel in the center of the focus, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the skin and seal with a band-aid.
Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening. The duration of use is set individually, depending on the effectiveness of the drug in a particular case. for adults, the maximum dose of Collo Gel is 2 ml per day.
As a rule, after 3-4 days, you can remove calluses and dead skin cells after taking a warm bath. skin Papillomas that are no more than 2 mm in diameter (warts, genital warts) can be pinpointed in the middle of the hearth, and the gel should not spread. Repeat the application procedure until the papilloma turns black and falls away.
Do not use adhesive tape. Attention: Do not apply to the area around the eyes! Kollo Gel is used only for external use, Ko!!Oh, My God! it should not come into contact with eyes and mucous membranes. In order to avoid damage to the surrounding skin when applying koollo Gel apply a zinc paste or a greasy cream around It,
After use, the bottle should be well closed.
If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. When using the maximum allowable daily dose of 2 ml of Collo Gel for adults, the duration of use should not exceed 10 days. Side effects: rarely there is local skin irritation (burning and redness). In some cases, it is possible to develop SKIN allergic reactions in contact with colloid'
If FROZEN on the skin of the face, burns may OCCUR. Special instructions/contraindications: Collo Gel should not be applied to moles, moles of the scalp, hairy warts, warts in the genital area or on the face. Corollo Gel should not be used in patients with impaired renal function (renal failure). In these patients the use of medicinal preparations containing salicyate can be carried out according to doctor's recommendation. Do not allow the drug to get into the mucous membranes, especially in the eyes. If this happens, flush the area with plenty of water.
After use, close the Bottle tightly! During pregnancy, the use of Colloid Gel is allowed only if it is applied to a limited area of the skin (no more than 5 cm2).
When using Collox Gel, it is possible to continue breastfeeding during treatment, it is Necessary to avoid accidental ingestion of salicylic acid by an infant through contact with the treated surfaces of the mother's body.
Overdose: When external use of salicylic acid preparations is usually not expected to develop toxic side effects, even in the case of unintentional short-term excess of the specified maximum dosages. Local skin irritation may occur, as a precautionary measure, it is sufficient to remove the drug. In case of unintentional ingestion of Collo Gel, immediately rinse the mouth with a large amount of baking soda solution of water and seek medical advice.
storage conditions: Store in a dark place at room temperature, close the lid tightly.
Kollogel is a remedy for corns, keratinization of the skin, skin papillomas (warts, genital warts), hyperkeratosis, including Palmar-plantar hyperkeratosis. Composition:medicalinsuranceonline cyclotetrasiloxane 20цетомакроголмолочная kislotalimonnaya 5ml.Gel for external use. 8 a glass bottle with an orange stick.Composition:Manipulatability cyclotetraphosphate 20Цетомакротолмолочная coloradoboulder