Metal spring for prosthetic nails!
1 jar with 10 springs

The principle of action of metal springs is to gradually unbend and increase radius of curvature of the nail plate by stretching and gradually raising the edges of the nail plate. As a result of this, the edges of the ingrown nail are lifted and separated from the tissues of the nail fold, which helps to reduce pressure on them and reduce the degree of ingrowth. Pre-rigid areas of the nail are treated with a softening compound.
Ingrown toenail or onychocryptosis ingrowth of the nail plate into the lateral edge of the nail fold. It is a very common disease. The nail fold becomes red and swollen, inflammation begins, causing severe pain. When walking, the pain intensifies much, the person begins to bend the foot, as if protecting the sore finger, many even say that the pain of an ingrown toenail can be compared to a toothache.
- flat feet span>
- onychomycosis (nail fungus)
- valgus foot deformity (orthopedic pathology)
- congenital predisposition (excessive amount of soft tissue in the subungual pad) li>
- Injury
- Improper pedicure
- Genetic predisposition
- Excessive finger length< /span>
- Valgus deviation of the finger.( finger times returns and increases the load on one side of the nail
- Too narrow shoes
- Crossing toes (Digitus superductus)
- Shoes with little support (sport slippers)
- Shoes with a moisture tendency